Friday, July 22, 2016

DGBS Weekends 7/23-7/24/16

Hey guys... Quick playlist here for the weekend. I prefer to not list it though... Stay tuned, t'll be some good stuff.


E-Man said...

Holy crap Eric Estrada has the best nightmares! That nun was awesome. Wasn't expecting that at all. Makes me want to write a TV show of nothing but Eric Estrada's nightmares and have them all be whacked out like that.

xyzzy said...

Skipping the names is fine by me — but it'd be really helpful if you'd list the artists & titles for the non-English music videos you sometimes throw in between shows/films. :-) Even when I stop staring in fascination at the video long enough to note the title, I've found that the engines rarely return anything useful unless I include an artist's name.

On that topic: who did "Some Kind of Fever Dream"?

DoughyGuy said...

If I have the info on a video, I usually try to include it in the title. But if it's not there, I have no idea - I'm sorry. I get lots of those videos from here and there, and most of them don't have the title or artist attached. In those cases I usually just title it whatever my impression of the video is. Sorry that's not much help, but that's the way it is!

Anyway, I know I've been slacking off lately, and I'm going to work tonight on getting some new stuff up for the weekend, so stay tuned everyone and thanks for watching!