Saturday, April 23, 2011

DGBS Weekends - Revised

Apparently, one of the new items on this weekend's playlist caused it to crash. I fixed it earlier, and it appears to be working fine now. Here's the revised playlist as it should continue from here.

  1. Transformers.The Immobilizer.nsv
  2. Superfriends.Rokan Enemy from Space.nsv
  3. Darkwing Duck.Film Flam.nsv
  4. Transformers.The Autobot Run.nsv
  5. Superfriends.The Demons of Exxor.nsv
  6. Darkwing Duck.Fungus Amongus.nsv
  7. Transformers.Atlantis Arise.nsv
  8. Superfriends.The Beasts are Coming.nsv
  9. Darkwing Duck.Something Fishy.nsv
  10. Transformers.A Prime Problem.nsv
  11. Superfriends.World Beneath the Ice.nsv
  12. Darkwing Duck.Calm a Chameleon.nsv
  13. Transformers.The Core.nsv
  14. Superfriends.Batman Dead or Alive.nsv
  15. Darkwing Duck.Bad Tidings.nsv
  16. Transformers.The Insecticon Syndrome.nsv
  17. Superfriends.Battle of the Gods.nsv
  18. Darkwing Duck.A Brush With Oblivion.nsv
  19. Justice League.Secret Society.nsv
  20. Hulk vs. Wolverine.2008.nsv
  21. Bill And Teds Excellent Adventure.1989.Part1.nsv
  22. Bill And Teds Excellent Adventure.1989.Part2.nsv
  23. Modern Problems.1981.Part1.nsv
  24. Modern Problems.1981.Part2.nsv
  25. Monty Pythons Life of Brian.1979.Part1.nsv
  26. Monty Pythons Life of Brian.1979.Part2.nsv
  27. Dr Strangelove.1964.Part1.nsv
  28. Dr Strangelove.1964.Part2.nsv
  29. Phantasm.1979.Part1.nsv
  30. Phantasm.1979.Part2.nsv
  31. Dark Star.1974.Part1.nsv
  32. Dark Star.1974.Part2.nsv
  33. Cremaster 1.1996.nsv
  34. Guyver.1991.Part1.nsv
  35. Guyver.1991.Part2.nsv
  36. Solarbabies.1986.Part1.nsv
  37. Solarbabies.1986.Part2.nsv
  38. Curtains.1983.Part1.nsv
  39. Curtains.1983.Part2.nsv
  40. Medusa.1973.Part1.nsv
  41. Medusa.1973.Part2.nsv


Xenobones said...

Hey man, I stumbled on your pls link on I have to tell you, I absolutely love your "channel"!!!!!!!!! every time I get on my computer I immediately load it up to see what you're showing, and it's always something I like! All my favorite cartoons like D&D and Herculoids, TV shows like Police Squad!, all my favorite movies, like right now, Phantasm. I about fell out of my chair when I saw it was on. You are a man after my own heart, and thank you so much for showing all this stuff!!

Unknown said...
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DoughyGuy said...

You're welcome - Thanks for the compliment.

Keep watching!

Fredzzkidd said...

OMG my husband and I loved watching you on show the BEST stuff! I say "loved" because beginning a week or so ago, we can't get your channel to come in - OH NOES!! It shows up on the media list as it always did, but when we try to view it although we get audio, the video is completely scrambled 8( We thought something might be temporarily wrong with the channel but judging by Shannon's comment others are still enjoying's just US!!??!! Punishment from the gods no doubt for some past thing or another...any suggestions? Is there some place besides Winamp we can go to view DGBS aka stuff that doesn't suck?? *sigh* Thanks and keep doing what you do - here's hoping we'll be able to watch again...soon.../head desk